Captain’s Log. Day eight of quarantine. Work has been busy; I’m grateful for the technology we have to collaborate and continue business during this time. I have walked around the block seven times today. I wonder how many days in a row I can eat frozen jalapeno poppers for lunch…
Flamingo Flower Shop chose clinical psychologist Dr.Amari and named a flower bouquet after her name
Dr. Iman Al-Ammari, clinical specialist for family and marital counseling at the Art of Family Counseling Center in Dubai, confirmed that societies are passing through our current era, the era of openness, or what is known as the era of anxiety and the contradictions of life with complex problems and…
updates or asking for opinions from different people for research, sites like this help to spread the word in onefell swoop. This is why marketers all over the world are increasingly switching on to social media as the next big thing. My favourite aspect of social networking sites is the…
أكدت الدكتورة إيمان العماري الأخصائية الإكلينيكية للاستشارات الأسرية والزوجية في مركز فن الاستشارات الأسرية بدبي أن المجتمعات تمر في عصرنا الحالي، عصر الانفتاح، أو ما يعرف بعصر القلق وتناقضات الحياة بمشاكل وأزمات معقدة تهدد كيان الأسر وتزلزل قيم ومفاهيم الاستقرار النفسي لديها، مشيرة إلى أن ازدياد حدة المشاكل على اختلاف…
The following report is written based on the evaluation of a panel of psychosocial experts in the UAE for selected number of children drawings (n=166), who participated in the Perception of Happiness Project organised by the Ministry of State of Happiness in the United Arab Emirates.
Police figures back up the phenomenon. Seven cases of husband-beating were reported in 2010 — up from just two in 2009. Police believes the numbers could be much higher as many cases go unreported. “Arab men rarely report these incidents and some even refuse to open criminal cases against their…